Friday, February 21, 2014

First Night in the Crib

Mommy finally got your crib cleaned out yesterday,so we attempted a nap in there to see how you would do. You spent more time talking and looking around than you did sleeping but you didn't hate it. Mommy thought that since your reflux seems to be better under control that we would do a test run overnight. You started your nighttime bottle at 8, and I laid you in the crib around 8:40. You didn't fall asleep till around 9:30 though. You woke up again for another bottle at midnight, and took over an hour to fall back asleep after I laid you down. Your 4am bottle went much better, you were pretty much asleep before I put you down and you went right back out after. A huge improvement, as normally your up for hours when you wake between 4-5:30 am. You did fuss some off and on from 6am on, as you were trying to do your morning poop. Finally around 8am you had enough and were ready to get up.

At 8, you did your poop, had your bottle, then a bath, and now your in your swing taking your morning nap. Hopefully this is a nice routine we can get into! 

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Favorite Song

We have tried a few different songs now to see if you like one. The only one you like, to my annoyance is What Does the Fox Say. You instantly calm down and usually fall asleep when listening to it. Looks like this will be our go to song for now on. For your next favorite hopefully you pick something more my style :)


Tuesday, February 4, 2014

First Smile!

You gave your first real smile today! Mommy was sitting on the bed holding you and giving you kisses. You were staring right at me and gave a big smile, it melted my heart. 

A little while later, you were sitting in your bouncer chair and Mommy was taking pictures of you. To try to get you to smile, Mommy tickled your feet and got your smile on camera!! 

Thursday, January 2, 2014

First Tooth!

Like your Mommy, Grandpa and Great Grammy, you were born with a tooth. It's called a neo-natal tooth and doesn't have roots so it had to be removed. You did great with your first trip to the dentist. Everyone there loved you and was so excited to see a little baby. The dentist put some numbing gel on and then just wiggled the tooth right out it was so loose.